Hello, I'm back again with a much shorter update blog to inform you on what I'm currently up to. The blog posting schedule has taken a bit of a dip due to a busy workload from school this week, in addition to personal events that I had to put time into. This isn't to say that I haven't been working on the project, however, it's just I've had less time to work on it this week in particular, making my progress more of a "chipping away" than a huge breakthrough. Despite this, I've have made progress on some interesting fronts:
Since my last blog post, I had contacted my music producer friend to discuss the theme for the opening, and how we will work on it. I explained how the story of the film would develop from this opening, as well as elaborated on any questions he had on the self contained story told in the opening. Towards the end, he asked what the "vibe" of the song should be, and I said this:
I also provided a song that I had in mind when coming up with the story, Kevin MacLeod's Hard Boiled. I am a fan of some of his other songs, and when writing a story about two friends having a casual conversation around town, I couldn't help but envision a light-hearted, jazzy tune backing up the film. However, this song lacks the ominous finish I'd like it to have, so instead of using it I opted to use it as an example for what I'd like it to feel like.My rough explanation for what I'd like
However, problems soon arose...
At first, he only let me know about the hardware issues he was facing, which was understandable, as it is out of his control. However, he very sweetly offered to make the track anyways with replacement headphones, to which I thanked him for. Unfortunately, the next day he was reminded that he is currently travelling, and would not be able to give his best work for the project, and so after discussing it, I gave him a deadline of next Thursday, which is the absolute latest I could take the music, as I'd need to see if I have to reshoot any scenes to better fit with the original music, along with giving myself enough time to ask for changes if I deem them necessary. Thankfully, he agreed to these terms and is off traveling in Africa.
I hope he gets inspired out there!
The good news: the story for the opening is fully fleshed out! After taking a couple of days to work on writing and visualizing the opening, I've made some stellar progress, particularly on the script. It's not currently finished (I'll likely change that either later today or tomorrow), but I'd say I'm 60% complete with it. Rather than post snippets of it on this blog, however, I've elected to instead push to publish the next blog with the entire script attached to it as a PDF. Additionally, today I came up with my (current) title for the film: Clean Kill. I'm still unsure if it will be my final title, but I am rather fond of it, no matter how corny it might be. I've been asking my peers if they think its an appropriate name and so far the feedback has been pretty divisive... so much for getting a second opinion...
Besides all that, I don't have much else to report on for today. I've been waiting to make storyboards after I've finished the script for the opening, in order to allow myself to focus more on what each shot will look like instead of worrying about how the story will flow. Same thing regarding the casting: I want to have everything written out before I start involving other people. I'll see if I can have the script finished for tomorrow's post. I'll see you then!
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