Sunday, February 27, 2022

A Musical Breakthrough!

     Hello again! I'm excited to share with you some news concerning the opening's music, provided generously by Mr. Alexander Evergarden. While I've been writing the script and drawing up storyboards, he's been travelling and simultaneously creating the theme for the film, which I am very appreciative of him for. 

His update on the music from a few days ago.
    A few days ago, while he was on this trip, he texted me letting me know that the progress on the music had been steady, and that he was halfway through the production of the theme. I was glad to hear about this, especially since it would allow me to write my next iteration of the script with an idea of how the background music would sound, instead of leaving writer's notes in the drafted script.

However, when I awoke today, I was greeted with some spectacular news from him: the track had been finished! While he announced it very casually, I made my excitement clear...

        After he sent a link to his completed project, I listened to it and was very satisfied on the chill vibes that it gave off, matching the casual vibe that I requested from him. According to Alex, it was his first time creating a "casual" track, which, while similar to his usual forte of making ambience music, proved to be a challenge for him. I assured him that I enjoyed the track, particularly the ending, where the notes become more distorted and out of tune to match the ending of the opening, which will contrast the cheery, relaxed aesthetic of the rest of the film. I thought it was a nice touch to add, serving as a sort of unspoken story told through the music.
Showing some much deserved appreciation :)

        When he asked me if there was any edits I'd like done to the track, I asked if it was possible to lower the volume of the  piano in the song, since I know I'll keep the track on fairly low volume during the opening, since the characters have to speak over it. My concern was that if I had to lower the volume of the song so the piano wouldn't interfere with the dialogue, the background beat would be lost. In order to avoid this problem, we decided to lower the volume of the piano to match the beat, so that you could hear both of them if the volume was lowered.

Also, here's the logo for the film that I designed in 10 minutes.
(So I could post the image on the song link)
                                                                                  I'm pretty happy with the end product, and through this link, you should be able to hear it as well! Enjoy, and I'll be making sure to see you around this week when I post my storyboards!

And yes, I did have to make the 
hand sanitizer bottle from scratch
on MS paint.

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