Friday, November 12, 2021

A beginning..?

 Welcome to the Stories Relit blog, where I plan to post my thoughts and commentary on media semi-frequently. My name is John, and I'm a high school junior with a vested interest in stories told through all mediums, be it film, text, or music. I deeply enjoy interpreting the meaning of media productions, whether it be an underlying message hidden through details in the piece or if it flat-out tells me what it aims to achieve. I've been motivated to make this blog due to my AICE Media class, which delighted me, as I've had thoughts about creating a blog for my own enjoyment for some time now. It is my understanding that I will be using this website to post film analyses, updates on my projects, and anything else required of me in the syllabus.

I chose the name Stories Relit for a very simple reason: I believe that my perspective and interpretation of worn-out stories in media can bring new life through my commentary and admittedly overdone analyzing. It's always been a belief of mine that a good story is just like a flame, and each retelling of it only adds more timber and fuel for the fire to grow brighter. It is my goal to ensure that my posts on this blog will relight the flames of stories that may have dimmed for some, because storytelling is one of the only truly universal experiences that all of humanity shares.

I look forward to posting very soon! 

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I've Moved Blogs!

 Read my new blog here ! This blog will remain untouched and barren! Go to the new blog!